Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Gerard’s Raw Carrot Salad

Gerard has decided to start cooking. We have had many an argument as I see him trying to steel my thunder and overtake what was my supreme domain, especially since he is much less critical of the dishes he prepares than he is of mine or anyone else’s for that matter. It is frustrating when he tries three different recipes to make chicken soup and is finally content and proud of making a really good one, when all he did was finally follow my advice. But, when it comes to his raw carrot salad, I have to admit he surpassed any of the results I ever achieved. So now once a week he goes into the kitchen and prepares his raw carrot salad for us and sometimes our guests to enjoy as a first course before my main dish is served.  I must give credit where credit is due, no matter how damaging to my ego. And I must share it with you, because it is healthy, and good tasting and really easy to do.

1¼ lbs of carrots (best with baby carrots)
1½ shallots (finely chopped)
1½ tablespoons of red wine vinegar
1½ tablespoons sherry wine vinegar
4 tablespoons of peanut oil
2 tablespoons chopped chives
Salt and pepper

Mix the vinegars in a large bowl with salt and pepper. Add each tablespoon of oil whisking after each addition so as to form an emulsion (a thicker liquid that stays together). Scrape and rinse the carrots with cold water, pat dry. Grate the cleaned carrots (using the side of the grater that has holes not slices) and placing the grated carrots into the bowl with the sauce. Mix well. Cover with cellophane and refrigerate until meal time. Before serving sprinkle the chopped chives over the top.

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